
Showing posts from June, 2009

Success Formula

Success has different meaning for different people and is not measurable. Financial success is measurable. Most of us in our hearts do want financial success but due to various reasons, we are not ready to declare. One main reason is the fear of failure. Also we have been made to believe that money is the root cause of evil. Money is only an instrument. It is good or bad depends on how we use it. A knife in the hands of a criminal can take life but in the hands of a surgeon can save life. Financial success has a very simple formula Financial success = Dreams (Can be nightmares)… X… Work …. X…. Path Dreams :- Everyone has dreams inside us which is the driving force for us to keep putting efforts. When we are young, the dreams are clear but unfortunately as we grow older it hides in the subconscious mind and starts gathering dust. Try listing out 100 dreams on a piece of paper. Young people will be able to list them but it is difficult for people who have crossed 40. Succes...

Income generation methods

Everyone needs income. Only those who have enough for their needs say "money is not important". Let us understand the ways available to us for earning income. Robert Kiyosaki in his book "The cash Flow Quadrant" explains the 4 ways of earning income 1. (E) Employee :- These are people who are in jobs trading their time and knowledge for a fixed income. They are working for others dreams. Robert Kiyosaki says that very few people have created wealth following this path. Why would you work hard all your life for something which you can't own, pass it to your children or sell it ? You retire with a 40-40-40 plan. Work 40 hours a day for 40 years and retire with 40 % of income to maintain your lifestyle. 2. (S) Self Employed or Small Business :- These are people like CA, doctors and consultants who are trading their time and knowledge for income. Also the business people who have to be always present to run their business ie shopkeepers, small manufacturers etc. 3....

A Complete Package

Robert Kiyosaki in his best selling book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" gives an insight to Wealth creation. Burke Hedges in his book "Parable of Pipeline" shows us the benefits of building "Pipelines". Network businesses are using these concepts and have made available to even a common person a "Risk Free Opportunity" with huge potentials of Wealth Creation. No business works by itself; it is the people who make it work. There are some pioneers who understood the potential, put efforts to spread the awareness and opened the doors for everyone. As the awareness is spreading, the growth is expected to rise exponentially. The concept is wonderfully designed in such a way that when you help people to grow then only you grow. Since it is absolutely opposite to the common practice where you grow by stepping on others, it is hard to digest the concept thus making people suspicious. Those who have succeeded by helping others to succeed, term this as "A Compl...